A downloadable game

Top Down Shooter for Playdate

Use the crank to aim your character, and go toe to toe against alien bugs and humanoids.

Controls - Crank - Use the crank to turn, then fire with A and move forward with B. To change weapons, press Dpad Down

Controls - No Crank - Turn with left/right and move with up/down. Fire with A, Swap weapons with B

Use strategy and good aim to make it through these levels, or you might find yourself out of ammo.


Threat.pdx.zip 292 kB

Install instructions

Sign in to your account at https://play.date/account/sideload/

Upload the zipped file in the space provided.


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Whoa. This one is excellent. I do wish there were a way to get more ammo though.

That's fair. I didn't clearly communicate that losing all your ammo is the fail state. Because you have unlimited lives, you need to manage your ammo well to make it to the end.

That said, I think that I could add something like an ammo drop which would let you decide which weapon it goes to, so you can use your favorite weapon more while still being challenged.

Could not find a top-level .pdx file. when i try to sideload

Same here


I accidentally set up the file structure wrong. Try this new file.

Deleted 43 days ago

Thank you !